• Best in quality &
    We are proud to support the production of
    OE factories by supplying imported and manufactured
    goods with world-class quality and reliable warranty.
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Kesht Sanat Kopal khavar mianeh (Middle East Agro-Industry)

The Middle East Agro- Industry Company has 25 years’ experience in importing; selling and producing spare parts for tractors, agricultural and industrial engines in Iran, some metal parts and the requirements of the tractor simultaneously operating in Tehran and Tabriz are currently operating.

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why work with us


We are proud to have supported the production lines of OE factories over the past 25 years by supplying imported and manufactured goods with world-class quality standards and a reliable warranty.

In the production section, the forging pieces include a variety of shafts and arms of the original quality and standard, and are produced with warranty

In the combined section, the industrial production of tractor seating chairs is even superior to the imported product and with a metal frame thicker than the original and foam mattresses are distributed with unconditional warranty and have one year warranty.

All of the products of the company, such as the import and production have packaging and bar code of the Middle East Agro- Industry Company as KSK and its logo distinguish it from the packaging of other non-quality goods.

amazing Kesht Sanat Kopal khavar mianeh FEATURE list



All products of the Kesht Sanat Kopal khavar mianeh company, including imported or domestic production, have a warranty

Customer Satisfaction

A customer is the most important visitor on our activities . He is not dependent on us . We are dependent on him


The Customer Relationship Unit of the Kesht Sanat Kopal khavar mianeh Company with the number +982133923072 is ready to receive any criticisms, suggestions, complaints or requests for information from respected customers.

Product Diversity

Due to the diversity of products offered by KSK, we are happy to invite enthusiasts to attend the company's headquarters in Tehran, the new Saadi street, next to the post office of the commercial department of Amir Third Floor, units 501 and 526, from the imported and manufactured goods of the company. Also, in coordination with the company, they can visit the company's production lines in Tehran and Tabriz.
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